Fruit brings a huge variety of tastes, colours, and textures to the table – and there are so many ways to have them! Fresh, stewed, frozen, baked into cakes, dipped in chocolate, blended into smoothies, mixed with yoghurt (or ice-cream!) and so many more!
Something a little different, however, are freeze dried fruits. Freeze dried fruits bring gorgeous colours, a unique texture with a crunch that then quickly dissolves and delicious flavours. Freeze dried fruits are a great option for introducing new flavours for your kids to try.
You can use freeze dried fruits in variety of ways – eaten as a snack, mixed into cereal, added to smoothies, or crushed over yoghurt or ice-cream.
One of our favourite ways to use freeze dried fruit powder is to colour icing. We used freeze dried raspberries in this birthday cake – we got a range of gorgeous pink colours, and the icing was delicious! Icing and decorating is such a fun (and low pressure) way for kids to help in the kitchen.
Check out some more recipe ideas on the Fresh As website here: